I am
About Me
I'm a multifaceted individual with a deep passion for tabla, sci-fi novels, sitcoms, and movies. Whether I'm lost in the rhythmic beats of the tabla, exploring captivating futuristic worlds in books, indulging in the humor of sitcoms, or dissecting the intricacies of cinema, I thrive on diverse experiences. Recently, I've also begun delving into coding, finding it both challenging and rewarding. Constantly seeking to broaden my horizons, I embrace new opportunities for exploration and discovery across various interests and disciplines.
Openmedia - A Social Media Web App

Developed originally as a college project, it has been scaled according to the requirements of a generic social media app. Built using Flask and Html.

Reddit Fetcher - Fetch Posts Away !

This FastAPI application connects to Reddit using the PRAW library to fetch random, hot and top posts from a specified subreddit. It returns the title, description, URL and date of a post and also has a copying functionality. It's a great way to get jokes and send to your friends!

Go somewhere
This Portfolio Website

This website was built to catchup with html and css along with Bootstrap as framework. Still there's work to do.

Go somewhere